Superorganism 'Everybody Wants To Be Famous'

Night Time

Superorganism Everybody Wants to be Famous ONLINE ONLY final audio NO WARNING 4444 00 00 54 06 Still004
Superorganism Everybody Wants to be Famous ONLINE ONLY final audio NO WARNING 4444 00 02 57 03 Still017
Sequence 01 00 00 30 10 Still006 180430 130014
Sequence 01 00 00 50 05 Still010

Everybody Wants to Be Famous follows lead singer Orono on a psychedelic journey through a mixed-media collage visualisation of the Internet, featuring Robert’s own version of YouTube- DankVids. The video focusses on the Internet and meme aesthetic of the 2010s, with flying cat heads, found footage, and a disaffected teenager delving deep into the comments on her self-posted video.